Chainlink Fences
Chainlink Fences
Chain-link is a natural for fencing yards to protect children and pets in urban and suburban neighbor-hoods around the country. For over a century, it has been widely used because it is economical and secure and, with today’s innovations, has become quite versatile.
Now with new colors and design concepts, chain-link is being used in more residential settings. Traditional galvanized chain-link is used on small lots in high density areas and on larger 1/3, 1/2 and even one acre lots because it’s economical.
It is one of the most effective barriers home-owners can use to protect property, children and pets. You can see through it - the open weave gives people the opportunity to provide security while seeing both inside and outside the barrier. It doesn’t diminish your view; it just helps keep neighborhoods and people safe and secure.
Types of chainlink fencing
Commercial & Industrial Chainlink Fence
Chain-link fence is the number one way to create safe and secure work environments for employees, customers and the general public around commercial, industrial and utility installations in the world. Using heavy-duty framework and fabric, industrial chain-link fence protects airports, military installations, public works facilities, manufac-turing plants and other valuable and potentially hazardous corporate assets.
Chain-link is primarily a perimeter security product, and is used because it is a cost-effective way of adding security to commercial and industrial property.
Traditional metallic and more color-coated chain-link fences are being used in all kinds of commercial applications. Chain-link protects vehicle fleets and corporate assets, secures inventory in warehouses, prevents intrusion into hazardous areas and is used around apartment complexes and public pools.
Heavy duty fence installations can be combined with automated and secure gate operators, barbed wire and mini-mesh fence that is hard to cut and climb to create a more secure installation.
It is also used behind ornamental iron to prevent reaching through the fence.
Recreational Chainlink Fence
Chain-link fence is the cornerstone of safe play at baseball, softball, football and recreational areas across the country and around the world. It is used heavily around parks, sports facilities, swimming pools, tennis courts, soccer fields, playgrounds and baseball diamonds.
Temporary chain-link fence is also used for crowd control and to establish safety barriers in major special events surrounding bowl games, parades and 10K and marathon running events.
Recreational chainlink fence can be customized to create images or color schemes.
Wherever America plays, chain-link fence is there to protect.
Chainlink Pool Fencing
Traditional or color-coated chain-link fence provides an economical swimming pool enclosure with an additional safety feature for any pool setting.
Because it is an open weave, see-through protective barrier, adults can better monitor the activity both inside and outside of a pool area from anywhere within eyesight. People can see potential problems outside the pool area and that is a real added benefit for pool safety.